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Overwrite provides underwriting and technical assistance support to Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs). Our clients include CDFIs, Microfinance Institutions, Credit Unions, Community Banks and Economic Development Organizations. Organizations hire us for different reasons. Some may be currently overwhelmed with their loan volume. Some are yet to build out their lending or technical assistance team. Others require consulting expertise or additional manpower to help implement TA.

Overwrite Inc

Our ideal underwriting clients are small to mid-sized community finance organizations with under $50million in assets. We underwrite transactions in retail, healthcare, transportation, media, hospitality, food service, personal care, consulting, education and many other industries. We typically underwrite about a million dollars worth of loans every month and have provided over a thousand hours of technical assistance, consulting and training services over the years. Our team has professional experience in commercial banking, microfinance, consulting, tax, non-profit and higher education. Collectively, we have worked in five countries and speak multiple languages. Our secret to providing great service is connecting with our clients. We try to understand your needs and work tirelessly to fulfill them. This is why most of our work is contract based. We align our incentives with your goals because we strongly believe that when you succeed....we succeed.

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